About Us
LAST DATA UPDATE: Jan 21 2025 2:05AM
Welcome to our website.
The Last Stop CD Shop is a private business with two locations in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
We buy and sell Music, Movies, Books, Games, Game Systems & accessories.
We have an extensive Music inventory of new and used CDs, vinyl albums, and even 45's.
Our Movies are available as DVD, Bluray, HD, VHS, and DVD & Bluray Box Sets.
Our Games inventory covers every popular cartridge and disc system - consoles and portables.
Our Books inventory includes over 55 literary classes and are available in hardcover, paperback, and audio CD.
Our entire catalog of titles is over 215,000 and growing every day.
We average 15,000 to 20,000 different Music titles in stock;
10,000 to 15,000 Movies; 7,000 to 10,000 Games; and 25,000 to 30,000 Books.
When we buy items, every item is inspected and tested. All music, movie, and game discs are professionally
machine buffed to restore them to next-to-new quality. And everything we sell is gauranteed.
We use a custom computerized point-of-sale/inventory system that lets us know exactly what we have in stock instantly.
This web site uses an extension of that system so you too see exactly what we have in stock within the hour.
The web site database is updated at the top and bottom of the hour, 24 hours a day!
We average over 2000 new items coming in to our stores every day so our inventory is constantly changing.
If you don't see a title you are looking for, check back often!
 Or use our email notification option to let you know when an item you are seeking comes in.